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Simon Angus
Complexity science, networks, technology, evolutionary game theory, artificial intelligence, data-science, computational econ
Dr Simon Angus is a senior lecturer in Economics at Monash University. He has described himself as a ‘specialist generalist’ having trained across the arts, physical and social sciences and pursues a pan-scientific research agenda. His research is united thematically by Complexity Science: the science of large, inter-connected physical and social systems which exhibit non-linear, emergent and self-organising behaviour. In Economics he is especially interested in innovation and technological change. He teaches in the domains of long run prosperity, poverty and sustainability, and is a keen innovator in educational design and delivery. Simon also serves as a lay-pastor at City on a Hill (, Melbourne, where his role includes providing strategic and analytical assistance to the wider pastoral team, along with being active in the Simeon Network - the national network for Christians working on Australian university campuses.