Direct Depositregular, electronic givingClick to give by bank transfer, for both regular and-off donations. AFES will send you an e-mail with bank details and a unique donor ID, so that you can set up a payment in your banking software. Direct Debitregular, electronic givingClick to download form for posting to AFES. Direct Debit requires AFES to have access to your bank account, so they need your signature on the form. Credit Cardonline, regular and one-off donationsClick to give by credit card from the AFES website, for both regular and-off donations. Giving from outside Australiaincluding tax-deductible donations for US citizensClick to give to The Simeon Network from any country through the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). For the 'To support...' option, select the text input box 'an IFES staff member/project/national movement' and enter 'Lewis Jones/AFES'. All donations will be tax-deductible for US citizens.