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Neil Foster
Torts, WHS law, Law and Religion
I am an Associate Professor of Law in Newcastle Law School at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. I teach and research in the areas of Torts, Workplace Health and Safety Law, and in 2013 began teaching a new elective course in Law and Religion. I am a member of the Editorial Board of the Torts Law Journal, and was a co-author of the 6th and 7th editions of the Luntz & Hambly Torts text, sole author of a 2014 Supplement to that book on Defamation and Wrongful Interference with Goods, and responsible for a new chapter in the 10th edition of Fleming’s Law of Torts. I am also the author of Workplace Health and Safety Law in Australia (LexisNexis Butterworths, 2nd ed 2016), and an e-book published by Matthias Media, Pressure Points (2014) dealing with potential clashes between the Christian faith and recent laws. I have published a number of articles in the area of torts and WHS law, and am developing a research interest in Law & Religion. I blog on law and religion issues at .