
"When a Jinn enters a human, he kills his self": 'Jinnology' and personhood in East Africa

The paper is a phenomenological study of spirit possession in an East African Muslim context, and based on ethnographic field work, the main method in the field of sociocultural anthropology. It argues that unreciprocated love is a popular reason for spirit possession in East Africa because of the East African concept of personhood which is radically different to Biblical conceptions, and also makes significant adaptations to Islamic notions of personhood. The first part shows that African personhood, Biblical personhood, and East African personhood have ontological and normative aspects.

Resonances and reservations between the Bible and Positive Psychology

The field of positive psychology (PP), the scientific study of well-being, is a relatively new discipline that has generated considerable interest in both acadamia and general public. Workplaces, schools, healthcare, and public policy and more are talking about how to incorporate well-being into policies and actions. Constructs such as love, spirituality, gratitude, and hope were previously ignored by science, but now are being empirically studied. Notably, many of the concepts of the field return to Biblical principles. This paper explores PP from a Biblical perspective.

Reading uncreative writing: conceptual poetry, reading practices and God's word

Over the few decades a new kind of avant-garde writing has come to prominence in North America and around the world, fitting itself into the contours of what we call the postmodern condition. Labelled conceptual poetry, or conceptual writing, this kind of art rejects Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s description of poetry as ‘the best words in their best order.’ Rather, conceptual poetry emphasises things like procedural anti-lyrical formalism, an ‘unboringly boring’ aesthetic as well as the wholesale appropriation and remediation of other texts.

Using Uncover in the Simeon Network

Thu, 15/01/2015 - 17:24 -- Anonymous (not verified)

At NTE 2014 there was a lot of talk about the AFES nation-wide mission for 2015 – Uncover. For those of you who weren’t able to make it to Cite, the Uncover mission encourages students to read Luke’s gospel with their friends. It was originally developed and used successfully in the UK, and has been adapted by AFES for using with uni students in Australia. Uncover comes with some snazzy resources – a pocket sized copy of Luke with every second page free for notes, and with some passages marked and questions added as suggestions for where to start.

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