Simeon Network 10th Anniversary Dinner
Please join us to celebrate our 10th Anniversary.
The Simeon Network is turning 10 in February 2020 and we want to give thanks for all that God has done. Michael Spence spoke at our launch dinner and he is back for an encore 10 years later. Our National Director, Richard Chin, will be bringing us the gospel from the word of God. We'll also be hearing from people all over the world who have come through or gone out from our network and how they are serving God where they are now.
The theme for a 10th wedding anniversary is tin, so we've adopted that theme for our night as well. I guess you could call it our Tin'th Anniversary...
Details are below and more information about the night will be revealed over time.
The registration page is now available.

Vice Chancellor, University of Sydney

National Director, AFES