Cite 2019

Cite is the national missions conference for academia. Take time at the end of the year to gather with Australia's Christian thinkers to be challenged, inspired, and equipped as ambassadors for Christ at the university and, through the university, to the world.
This year at Cite, Anthony Petterson, Old Testament Lecturer from Morling College, is leading us in thinking about The Minor Prophets as the Book of the Twelve, as a sub-canonical parallel to the main stage talks on the Word of God. Our journey through the minor prophets will include looking at the problem of suffering, how God can show compassion and also be just, and is despair the only reasonable response to dashed expectations? It's going to be a corker!
We will also be joined by academic missionaries who have been or are using their PhD to go overseas to serve Jesus in universities around the world.

Anthony Petterson joined the faculty at Morling College in 2006 as a Lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew. Anthony was pastor of Hornsby Heights Baptist Church from 1999-2002, and associate pastor of Grosvenor Road Baptist Church in Dublin, Ireland, from 2002-2006. He studied at UNSW, Moore College, Morling College, and the Queen’s University of Belfast. He served on the board of AFES from 2007-2009. Anthony is married to Megan and has four young adult children (three are at universities in Sydney, and a fourth works as a biomedical engineer).